Live Webinar

Yoga For Multiple Sclerosis

By Your Host

Struggling with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Let's tackle it together! MS affects the nervous system, causing disruptions in communication between the brain and body. But there's hope: Yoga can be a powerful tool in managing symptoms and promoting healing.

Join us on a FREE Interactive Webinar and take charge of your well-being with our supportive community and expert guidance.
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    Saturday May 11 , 2024

    At 08:00 AM PDT

    Live Webinar Session has ended now.

Join us in exploring the benefits of using Yoga to manage and overcome Multiple Sclerosis. Let's engage in interactive discussions and support each other on this healing journey

Don't let MS hold you back. Take charge of your well-being with our supportive community and expert guidance. Register now!

Fundamentals of Yoga as a Health Management Tool

Understand the basics principles of Yoga and its application for health

Meet the Masters

Meet Margie Hunter the celebrated author of 'Transcending MS' book. Andrea Sacchetti, our experienced and qualified Yoga Therapist, and Swami Mahesh the International Wandering Yogi

Know Multiple Sclerosis and related issues

A simple presentation to help understand thing better so that the yoga tools are utilized effectively


Ask your questions. Share your story. Meet fellow pilgrims on the path!

Know the actual course

Learn what will be presented in the actual paid course so you are ready to begin your yoga journey!


Meet some of the best talents in Yoga Health Management and Therapeutic use of Yoga. You can interact with them on Physical, Mental, Emotional, Psychic, and Spiritual matter regarding the topic

Margie/Ambika Hunter

Margie Hunter, a resilient yoga teacher and mentor, discovered deep healing and a renewed sense of purpose through yoga following her diagnosis with multiple sclerosis in 1999. Her book, "Transcending MS," stands as a guiding light of hope, sharing her profound insights with a wider audience beyond the confines of the physical world.

Andrea/Ananya Sacchetti

Andrea Sacchetti is a certified Yoga Therapist recognized by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (C-IAYT). She also holds the highest level of registration as a yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance (E-RYT 500) and is qualified to provide continuing education to registered Yoga Teachers (YACEP). Andrea specializes in working with individuals facing auto-immune challenges, chronic pain, anxiety, and issues related to bone density.

Swami Mahesh

Swami Mahesh, a wandering yogi from India, holds a degree in Engineering and a Masters in Yoga Philosophy, with more than 30 years of experience in teaching yoga. Utilizing his experiential knowledge, study of classical Yoga and Tantra texts, and a pragmatic approach to ancient spiritual teachings, he skillfully shares advanced and esoteric knowledge in a grounded manner. 

Live Webinar Pricing

  • Yoga For Multiple Sclerosis
  • $5 USD

    Embrace the transformative power of yoga on your MS journey, and reclaim control over your well-being. You're not alone—yoga is he

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