Astrology Part 1 - Learn Natal Chart Interpretation

Understand the keywords, symbols, energy dynamics, interpretive guidelines, correlation of planets for Natal Chart Reading

Course Summary

Astrology is the science of correlation of planets and celestial bodies and events on Earth, and its effect on humans and human psychology. The position of Sun, Moon and other planets at the time of someone's birth has direct influence on the person's character and the life journey.

The zodiac signs are characterized by four elements:  Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. That gives us a glimpse into the dynamics of Motivation, Grounding, Thinking, and Emotions respectively, within an individual and helps to chart a road map of the best way forward for the person. The Planets and Houses provide a detailed map and blueprint of best path for the journey of life. A good understanding of astrology can help find the best balance between different forces working within one's personality.

A good astrological map intensifies a person’s self-awareness of the journey in evolution of consciousness and life itself. Even a good natal reading is like a blueprint for the optimum, fulfilling, happy and the most creative path of growth in the combined dimension of spiritual and material worlds. The life still remains a mystery but then it is embraced without any complain once we see the larger picture. We start working in better synergistic relationship with everything, inside and outside, towards our best evolution possible in this life.  

The series aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the keywords, symbols, energy dynamics, interpretive guidelines and ability to participate with life better, with joy and fulfillment. All levels are welcome. Prior knowledge of astrology is not required.

Join this self-guided journey to connect with the celestial world and its impact on us

Course Curriculum

Swami Mahesh


Colorado, USA

I am thrilled to join, learning about the mysterious ways of the stars workings. I’ll be a raw beginner, a curious beginner.

Course Pricing

Astrology: Natal Chart Interpretation

$108 USD

  • A comprehensive understanding of the keywords, symbols, energy dynamics, interpretive guidelines for Natal Charts

    • Introduction and basic principles of astrology
    • Learn the symbols of Signs, Planets and Aspects
    • The Planets and their trick or treat games
    • Houses in details. Success and challenge involved
    • The Planets in the Signs. Interpretive guideline
    • Aspects, Rulerships, Stellium, Moon’s nodes and Ephemeris
    • Guideline to synthesis and putting it together
    • Study of a natal chart
    • Community chat area to share views and ask questions
    • Validity: 180 days
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